7AC Galway: Day 2
Dia dhuit! (That’s „hello“in Irish Gaelic)
Yesterday started out great! Our host dad had to drive to Galway anyway, so he offered to give us a ride. Therefore, we had an extra hour in town before we had to meet with the class. In this hour we walked through a nice little fish and fruit/vegetable market on Market Street and then spent the rest of the time in a cute café. Time went by quickly and not much later we were heading off to the Cliffs of Moher. The bus ride was pretty long but our (slighthly) quirky bus driver entertained us on the way.
When we arrived at the Cliffs of Moher, we had a gorgeous view from the top of the cliffs but we had to be careful while walking around and taking pictures- all under the watchful eyes of our teachers who felt a little uneasy and couldn´t stop worrying. The two hour walk from the Cliffs down to Doolin was exhausting but definitely an experience worth making with all the breathtaking scenery to our left. Back in Galway we all had dinner with our host families and afterwards, many of us met again at Black Rock beach and enjoyed the time at the beach. The water was really cold but still refreshing after our long day of walking.
Valerie Schrems, Kira Schmuth 7A |
Für den Inhalt dieses Artikels verantwortlich: Mag. Martin Lackner |
erstellt: Di, 12. Jun 2018, 00:58:52 |
letzte Änderung: Di, 12. Jun 2018, 01:10:42 |