Bundesrealgymnasium Wien 19
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Anna Sattlegger and Jacob Euler-Rolle: Our stay in Copenhagen was a blast!

Our stay in Copenhagen was a blast!
Jacob and I were fortunate to participate in one of the last big Europroject meetings in Copenhagen, concerning entrepreneurship at school. After a long “Day of the Open Doors” on November 7, we left off to Copenhagen with our headmistress, Mrs Dobler, and Mrs Ranftl. We were heartily welcomed by our host families and at dinner that night we were already introduced to one or the other Danish tradition, including liquorish and tongue twisters. At the joyous opening ceremony at school the following morning, we got the chance to have a chat with our former headmaster, Mr Latzke.
Afterwards, the actual programme began. At first, there was an introductory presentation by an entrepreneur. However, very soon we were told to go outside and run around. We were not quite sure what the referee was up to, but fairly quickly discovered the purpose of these games. They should free the mind, make us think outside of the box. According to the choices we had made in advance we were then split into groups dealing with social and practical aspects of entrepreneurship at school.
Social entrepreneurship (Anna)
My team’s task was to create more socially and politically involved students. Our slogan “Catchin’ ‘em young” sums up our idea of encouraging students to develop their own opinions at a young age. Weekly discussion lessons would allow children to gradually be made familiar with debating and thereby naturally learning to express their opinions.
Practical entrepreneurship(Jacob)
My team was asked to develop the idea of an all-inclusive plastic membership card, which we called Combi Card+. This card unifies all your membership (of different stores f. ex.: Billa, Libro, …) and kredit cards, so your wallet will be lighter and you have a better overview. Furthermore one special feature of this card is that there is a fingerprint scanner on it, to be used for a payment in a store. In case of loss, you will be able to block this card with the help of an app on your smartphone. With this idea we won the first prize in the category of practical improvement in your daily life.
We met interesting people from all over Europe, learnt about different cultures and have taken home some ideas of how to improve school life.
Last but not least we especially want to thank our two host families who integrated us and gave us an overview of the Danish culture.

Für den Inhalt dieses Artikels verantwortlich: Mag. Franziska Ranftl
erstellt: Di, 18. Nov 2014, 21:13:47
letzte Änderung: Mi, 26. Nov 2014, 09:45:58