Bundesrealgymnasium Wien 19
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MACBETH by 7C (2011/12)


7C you were simply GREAT!


7C - I just want to share an e-mail I have received from David:



"I thought of you, us, your students, last night. There was a programme on T.V. about a young (quite well-known) English actor, who went back to his old school (near Birmingham) to do a theatre project on "Macbeth". The object was to put the play on in 5 days. Sound familiar?!?


To start with... they weren't doing the full play... only a part of it... ending with the scene after the discovery of Duncan's murder... and the text was very heavily edited. Their first reading was appalling... considering that English is their native language. Their acting 'sort of' improved as the week progressed. But, all in all, it was a very half-hearted event, given that they were to play at the Swan Theatre at Stratford-upon-Avon, on the last day. No costumes, no scenery, no sound or stage effects, no blood and the only props were 2 daggers! The final performance was very lack-lustre and unexciting.


Sandra... throughout the programme, the thought of what we achieved in 5 days never left my mind. Our "Macbeth" was so unbelievably better. To be quite frank, there was absolutely no comparison in what these English students produced and what was accomplished by your students. I thought... bloody hell... how could an interesting T.V. programme be built around such mediocrity... they damn well should have filmed our 5-day project... and this done by Austrian students!


Anyway, I thought I would share this with you. Please tell your students about it... and give them my "Greetings". I often 'chat' with one or two of them on Facebook."


Für den Inhalt dieses Artikels verantwortlich: Mag. Alexandra Walser
erstellt: Sa, 23. Jun 2012, 21:38:18
letzte Änderung: Sa, 23. Jun 2012, 22:06:58